
LCTR is Florida’s leading center for developing innovative computer-based systems for transportation engineering applications. This page provides a brief introduction to these systems and provides a gateway to those systems that are available for public access.
Web Information System
  • Florida Highway Information System (FHIS)
    This web GIS system is being developed as part of a research project with the FDOT Research Center. It integrates several FDOT databases and provides the user with a single GIS interface to access the integrated database for different applications. The databases integrated include Roadway Characteristics Inventory, accident records, detector data, incident data, and traffic counts. The initial system includes a prototype application that makes use of the integrated database to evaluate locations for potential ramp signaling.
  • Florida Transit Information System (FTIS)
    Awards Winners – 2010 Transportation Planning Excellence Awards – FHWA and FTA
    FTIS is a nationally known system developed for FDOT’s Public Transit Office. The current version of FTIS includes a suite of three component programs: (1) INTDAS: a web database system designed for the retrieval and analysis of over 25 years of National Transit Database (NTD); (2) FTGIS: a web GIS system customized for transit planning for Florida’s transit systems; (3) ATSIM: a hybrid mobile-desktop system for the collection, analysis, and maintenance of transit stop inventories.
  • Road Ranger Driver Information System (RRDIS)
    Davis Productivity Awards
    RRDIS is a web-based application developed for the ITS Division at FDOT District Six. The system is designed to completely automate a complex process of managing the paperwork of Road Ranger drivers from various contractors. The system currently runs on a FDOT intranet.
  • Crash Reduction Analysis System Hub (CRASH)
    CRASH is a web-based application developed for the FDOT State Safety Office. Its main functions are to perform benefit-cost analysis of safety improvement projects and serve as a central storage location for these projects. The system can also perform before-and-after analysis for the performance evaluation of safety programs and update crash reduction factors (CRFs).
Web Portals
  • Florida Transportation Modeling Portal (FSUTMSonline)
    FSUTMSOnline is an information web portal developed for FDOT’s Systems Planning Office for the exchange and sharing of information, data, and ideas among transportation modelers in Florida.
  • Florida Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) Program Portal
    LCTR developed this web portal for FDOT’s Public Transit Office as part of the Florida Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) program, which develops strategies, promotes knowledge sharing, and supports the implementation of transit Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) activities.
  • Florida Traffic Safety Web Portal
    LCTR developed this web portal for FDOT’s State Safety Office. The portal serves as a central location for the exchange and sharing of tools, data, information, and ideas among the traffic safety professionals in Florida.
  • SunGuide TMC Portal
    This web portal was developed using a content management system for FDOT District Six’s SunGuide Transportation Management Center (TMC), which serves as the regional command post that monitors and controls ITS facilities within the roadways of Miami-Dade and Monroe counties.
  • SunGuide TMC Control Room Operations Intranet
    This is an internal web portal running on a FDOT District Six Intranet. The application was developed using a content management system and it allows authorized personnel to post documents, announcements, etc., and provides up-to-date information to all operators at the District 6 TMC control rooms.
  • 2060 Florida Transportation Plan Web Portal
    LCTR developed this web portal for the FDOT Systems Planning Office. The 2060 Florida Transportation Plan aims to create a shared vision for the future of transportation in Florida and the goals, objectives, and strategies to achieve this vision. This website helps the public learn more about this process, stay current on news and events, and become involved in the effort.
  • TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conferences Website
    This website was developed and being maintained for the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Transportation Planning Applications (ADB50). The site includes information for both upcoming and past conferences of the committee.
Online Training and Management Systems:
  • FSUTMS Online Comprehensive Modeling Workshop
    This online workshop system was developed for the FDOT Systems Planning Office for the FSUTMS-Cube Voyager Comprehensive Workshop. This system replaces a desktop version that was also developed by LCTR for the TRANPLAN version of FSUTMS.
  • SMART SunGuide Road Ranger Training
    The SMART SunGuide Road Ranger Training was developed for FDOT D4 for web-based training of Road Ranger drivers. It features interactive exams and instant grading and results feedback to both the students and the supervisors.
  • Construction Training and Qualifications Program (CTQP)
    This homepage was developed for the Center for Technology Transfer and Training (CT3) of the FIU Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. It features an online registration and payment system and a user-friendly course management system.
  • Contract Management System (CMS)
    CMS is a comprehensive web-based system for FDOT District Six for managing contracts. The system runs on an FDOT intranet at the SunGuide Traffic Management Center (TMC).
  • INTDAS Online Tutorial
    This video tutorial was developed for FDOT’s Public Transit Office for the Integrated National Transit Database Analysis System (INTDAS), which is also developed by LCTR. The tutorial walks the user through the steps of each INTDAS function.
  • FTGIS Online Tutorial
    This video tutorial was developed for FDOT’s Public Transit Office for the Florida Transit Geographic Information System (FTGIS). The tutorial demonstrates each function of the system.
Desktop Application
  • Florida GIS System for Safety Analyst
    LCTR is developing this desktop GIS system for easy selection of study locations for crash analysis using SafetyAnalyst. The system also allows easy visualization of SafetyAnalyst output, including high crash locations and related statistics.
  • Road Ranger Inspection Program (RRIP)
    This is a Tablet PC mobile application developed for FDOT District Six for the field inspection of Road Ranger vehicles and drivers for service quality assurance.
  • FSUTMS Master Database System
    The system was developed as part of a research project with the FDOT Research Center. It implements a multi-modal master network system that is capable of automatically propagating network changes to other scenario networks, minimizing data storage space, generating networks with consolidated links, and supporting open data attributes.
  • FSUTMS Standard Reports
    This report generation system was developed for FDOT’s Systems Planning Office. It is a desktop application that makes use of Crystal Reports and ArcEngine. The reports include a combination of tables, figures, charts, and maps.
  • FSUTMS Launcher
    FSUTMS Launcher was developed for FDOT’s Systems Planning Office. It is a Macromedia Flash application that allows the user to execute different FSUTMS models.
  • Florida Average Vehicle Occupancy Rate Information Estimator (FAVORITE)
    FAVORITE is an innovative desktop application developed for FDOT’s Transportation Statistics Office. The system makes use of the vehicle occupancy information in crash records to estimate the average vehicle occupancies (AVO).
  • Dynamic Segmentation (DySeg)
    DySeg is a desktop application that can automatically merge FDOT’s crash and RCI data for safety analysis. Once the desired roadway features, segment lengths, and crash types are specified, the system can dynamically segment the roadways into uniform segments and then compute the crash number or crash rate associated with each roadway segment. Alternatively, the user can choose to segment roadways into a constant length of overlapping or non-overlapping segments for different applications, including the identification of high-crash locations